Advancing School-based Mental Health Services

Rater Effects on Social-emotional and Behavioral Screening
  • This project aims at uncovering causes of rater effects in response processes when compleing social-emotional and behavioral screening and generating possible solutions to minimize its effects.

Culturally Responsive Social-emotional and Behavioral Screening
  • This line of research utilizes both item response theory and classical test theory to evaluate the psychometric properties of mental health screeners among diverse populations, with the aim of enhancing their validity and fairness in school settings.

Predictive Indicators of Students' Mental Health Trajectories
  • This line of research focuses on identifying key indicators within students' mental health profiles that predict their future trajectories and on evaluating the potential of school-based mental health services to address mental health inequities.

Intersecting Impact of School Ecology, Sociocultural Factors, Social Positions, and Personal Assets on Student Development

Diversity Perception
  • This project investigates how students' perceptions of diversity are shaped by their social positions and experiences, and how these perceptions, in turn, influence their intergroup behaviors and attitudes.

Impact of Intergroup Interactions on Student Outcomes
  • This project investigates the impacts of intergroup interactions, including friendship diversity and experiences of discrimination, on students' school experiences as well as their psychological and educational outcomes.

Mechanisms and School Practices for Fostering Positive Intergroup Relationships
  • This researach assesses the role of malleable school practices, alongside students’ assets and strengths, in promoting positive and supportive intergroup relationships. By identifying these factors, the project intends to inform the development of school-wide strategies that foster an inclusive and equitable environment for all students.

Selected Publications

Click here to view the recent publications of the EDS lab.